The conflict between generations lies in the elders' habit of looking down on the younger generation and the younger's desire to assert themselves.
All the fault of our "fathers" is only in the fact that they remember us as small and helpless.
Christopher Morley says about this: "We've had bad luck with our kids - they've all grown up."
To understand that children have grown, you need to have inner flexibility, but not everyone has it.
The “children” ' fault in the conflict of generations lies in their desire to throw the “fathers” off the pedestal and take this place themselves, often without even realizing how difficult it is to be on it.
Let's take a closer look at the topic. For centuries, people have complained that the next generation is a disappointment or a lesser generation than the previous one.
They call us, TikTok generation, swiping/scrolling/emoji sending, avocado toasts eating, half-caff double cupped no sleeve generation...
The truth is, the way we think of other people says a lot about us and the way we feel about ourselves.
Tell me what you "hate," and I will tell you what your "sore spot" is.
The research has shown that whatever your "insecurities" are, you will see them in other people tenfold.
Every old generation "looks down" on the new one. Some individuals even have the nerve to say that we are doomed.
But here we are, like a "Phoenix rising from the ashes," proving everybody wrong. Every new generation shows that there is hope, the future is bright and optimistic.

Can you remember a famous cartoon, made by Bill Mauldin in a 1950 edition of Life magazine? It basically features an older gentleman looking suspiciously at a middle-aged man who, in turn, looks down on a young boy, including the caption, “Every generation has its doubts about the younger generation.”
And I couldn't help but wonder, is it how it would be in the future for us as well? Are we going to look at our kids, thinking that "that's it." This generation is not good enough? I sincerely hope NOT.
This vicious cycle has to stop somewhere, and why don't we be THE GENERATION that finally draws the line.
I feel as positive and confident as one can be. If you want to see the change - be the change.