When I was 17, I had a conversation with my friend; I must say, she did most of the talking.
She complained about her unhappy relationship with another boyfriend, and here I quote: "he was not the one."
Fifty minutes later, she suddenly concluded that her issue was, and I have to quote again: "her bad karma."
My opinion back then was that there was nothing wrong with her Karma. She had two eyes, two legs, two arms, etc... everything was functioning, she was an attractive young woman, had both parents take care of her, and her life was good in my eyes. She just had to learn how to appreciate all those things.
Now looking back, I think it was really Mom-ish from my side saying anything like that, but it wasn't good enough for her at that time, and, unfortunately, it still isn't. Her current relationship is far from being perfect, and she keeps on looking for "the one."
Of course, it's so much easier to say something when you look at people's lives from afar, when you don't live this particular situation, just commenting on it or having your perspective.
Still, sometimes we are just so busy blaming other people or circumstances that we completely forget to take responsibilities and look at our life differently.
You might have heard these complaints thousands of times: the government is lousy, the prices are high, the economy is terrible, the weather is too cold or too hot, the water and air are polluted, and yes, all of the above might be true, but it's not strong enough to make a good excuse.
Who is responsible for the life you live, if not you?
- Remember that you matter.
We all are a part of a bigger system, and if one element is broken or rotten, the whole system might collapse. What you think, what you choose, what you say, how you act.
Be positive and confident in thoughts and actions, and you will be rewarded. Negativity gives birth to negativity.
- Please get rid of the blame, complaints, and excuses.
Every time that little voice in your head says something like: "I am not a morning person," Prove it wrong, wake up at 5.00 am, and go to the gym. So, you can train yourself to become a morning person and a fit person.
- Be grateful.
It is so easy to say, "Thank you," so let's all use it more often. Sit down and write in your gratitude journal at least 100 things you are thankful for. You'll be surprised to see how many great big or small things you have in your life you didn't think to appreciate before you wrote them down.
- Yoga, Meditation, and Breathing exercises help tremendously.
Try to chill, sit on your carpet, yoga mat, sofa, or favorite chair, close your eyes, find the right music, and just breathe in and out, leave all worries and fears and just zen out, clear your mind of all thoughts, good or bad. When your consciousness is blank, you can draw colorful things on that canvas.
- Make the right choice.
Leave judgments. We can always choose to see good or bad in other people, see how beautiful they are, or pay attention to their small imperfections. Please, choose wisely, choose the right.
- Cherish the moment. Be present.
Live here and now. We all underestimate the power of the current moment, but the truth is present is all we really have.

Photo by Kelli McClintock
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